P. 98


                          Εκθέσεις                                  My dream job

                          Eu-Mobility- A great experience!          We  can  all  agree  that  our  future  work
                                                                    should be something we love doing and
                          Between  the  10th  and  the  27th  of  we enjoy doing, well that is called our
                          November  I  took  place  in  an  Erasmus  dream job.
                          project  called  Εu-mobility.  We  went  to  Personally,  I  consider  my  ideal  job  to
                          Malmo  a  city  in  Sweden  for  practical  be  a  graphic  designer.  I  really  enjoy
                          exercise on our specialization.           drawing  and  listening  to  music  while
                          First of all we had to work on weekdays at  doing  so.  Working  hours  on  a  project
                          the jobs we were assigned at. I went to a  and  having  people  around  me  helping
                          typography shop. I had the chance to see  me, giving me ideas and talking to me
                          a  much  bigger  production  industry  than  about  the  project,  really  attracts  me.
                          the one that I could see in Cyprus. That  This  job  involves  sitting  and  working
                          was an amazing experience even though  for hours, working with other people or
                          I  didn’t  get  to  design  that  much.  The  your colleagues and being creative and
                          people at my workspace were really nice  imaginative.
                          and friendly. I loved working with them.  I’d  say  that  I  have  what  it  takes  to
                          Let us go to the fun part. We were all in  work  as  a  graphic  designer,  because  I
                          the  same  hotel  with  two  other  schools,  like working with other people and I’m
                          one  from  Poland  and  another  one  from  creative, well I’m working on it as well
                          Cyprus. We had lots of fun with them. We  as  sitting  in  an  office  for  hours  but  if
                          were all going to the hotel lobby and hang  you  like  something  you  have  to  make
                          out together.                             sacrifices.
                          The best part in my opinion, was the fact   Charalambous Afrodite, ΘΕΓ3
                          that we could go out in the city on our
                          own  and  explore  the  area.  We  almost               Διδάσκουσα καθηγήτρια:
                          learned  each  other  and  every  corner  of              Μαρία Αβρααμίδου, Β.Δ.
                          the  area.  Hanging  out  with  friends  in  a
                          country you’ve never been before has to
                          be one of the most beautiful experiences   Παρουσίαση  του  προγράμμα-
                          I have ever had.                          τος Discover EU
                          I also loved the tours we were taken too.   Discover EU, εξερεύνησε, ζήσε, μάθε
                          We had the chance to go hiking in a very   Από  τις  20  έως  τις  23  Μαρτίου  2023,  οι
                          beautiful landscape. It was amazing. We   τελειόφοιτοι  μαθητές/τριες  της  Σχολής
                          had  a  barbeque  at  the  marine  as  well.   μας,  είχαν  την  ευκαιρία  να  παρακολου-
                          There,  we  danced  traditional  dances
                          around  the  fire  and  we  ate  hot  dogs.
                          Bowling  was  one  of  the  activities  we
                          did too! In one of our trips we went to
                          Copenhagen in Denmark, it only took us
                          one hour to get there. The Malmo museum
                          was wonderful as well.
                          It was a great experience for me, and I
                          will  always  remember  it  for  the  rest  of
                          my life.

                          Charalambous Kyriaki, ΘΕΓ3                θήσουν  την  παρουσίαση  του  προγράμ-
                                                                    ματος  Discover  EU,  από  την  εκπρόσωπο
                                        Διδάσκουσα καθηγήτρια:      του  οργανισμού  Youth  for  Exchange  and
                                         Μαρία Αβρααμίδου, Β.Δ.
                                                                    Understanding,  κ.  Μαρία  Μαυρονικόλα.

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